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The town of Foster has always existed under a shroud of mystery and suspicion, relegated to the depths of local superstitions and legend. What could have happened to the close-knit religious community. Did they all decide at once, to simply leave the town behind? Were they the victims of some kind of foul play, or worse? Many years later, one man becomes increasingly obsessed with the town of Foster and with the fate of its occupants. What could have happened and who or what might be responsible? Even he is powerless to stop his slow descent into madness in his pursuit of answers to questions that may well be left buried.
"The premise is intriguing; the inhabitants of a secluded town disappear without a trace and many years later a man is drawn to the town, compelled to solve the mystery of what exactly happened. The plot really moved and I felt that I connected with the main character, not a small feat by an author in a short story or novella format. If you like a little of "what the heck is going on here?!?" in your fiction, than this story will not disappoint. And I found the payoff at the end when answers are revealed to be pretty darn cool."
"I found the writing engrossing and the mystery of the town, Foster, kept me turning the pages to see where the tale would take me. I wasn't disappointed! A creepy little tale that I would recommend to any horror buff. Will certainly look out for more of Chad's work."
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